
Retrieves all Divisions that are inactive or active for a LocationID or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive Divisions , GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive Divisions for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllDivisions = Client.GetAllDivisions( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional Divisions for the provided LocationID or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllDivisions

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create Divisions, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create Divisions for a specific company or location. The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllDivisions to give you an accurate representation on what number to use.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllDivisions( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim Division =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Division.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	Division.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	Division.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Division.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewDivision() = {Division}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedDivisions = Client.CreateDivisions( Authorization, PartyID, NewDivision )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates Divisions for a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllDivisions

Additional Information:

Either GetLocationList Or GetCompanyList Is a prerequisite to retirieve the proper PartyID Not both. The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllDivisions to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Category will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllDivisions( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdateDivision =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdateDivision.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdateDivision.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdateDivision.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdateDivision.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdateDivision() = {UpdateDivision}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdateDivisions = Client.UpdateDivisions( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdateDivision )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of available Or active Branches for a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active Branches, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve Branches for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedBranchs = Client.GetBranches( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional Branches for the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllBranches

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a Branch, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a Branch for a specific company or location. The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllBranches to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Category will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllBranches( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim Branch =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Branch.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	Branch.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	Branch.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Branch.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewBranch() = {Branch}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedBranchs = Client.CreateBranches( Authorization, PartyID, NewBranche )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves all Branches that are inactive Or active for a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive Branches, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive Branches for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllBranches = Client.GetAllBranches( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates Branches for a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllBranches

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a Branch, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update a Branch for a specific company or location. The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllBranches to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Category will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllBranches( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdateBranche =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdateBranche.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdateBranche.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdateBranche.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdateBranche.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdateBranche() = {UpdateBranche}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdateBranches = Client.UpdateBranches( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdateBranche )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of available Or active Departments for a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active Departments, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve Depatrtments for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedDepartments = Client.GetDepartments( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional Departments for the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllDepartments

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a Department, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a Department for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllDepartments to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to create and show what order the Department will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllDepartments( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim Department =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Department.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	Department.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	Department.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Department.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewDepartment() = {Department}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedDepartments = Client.CreateDepartments( Authorization, PartyID, NewDepartment )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves all Departments that are inactive Or active for a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive Departments, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive Deparments for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllDepartments = Client.GetAllDepartments( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates Departments for a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllDepartments

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a Department, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update a Department for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllDepartments to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Department will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllDepartments( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdateDepartment =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdateDepartment.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdateDepartment.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdateDepartment.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdateDepartment.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdateDepartment() = {UpdateDepartment}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdateDepartments = Client.UpdateDepartments( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdateDepartment )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Positions For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active Positions, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve Positions for a company or specific location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedPositions = Client.GetPositions( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional Positions For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllDepartments

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a Position, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a Position for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllPositions to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to create and show what order the Position will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllDepartments( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim Position =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Position.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	Position.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	Position.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Position.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewPosition() = {Position}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedPositions = Client.CreatePositions( Authorization, PartyID, NewPosition )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves all Positions For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive Positions, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive Positions for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllPositions = Client.GetAllPositions( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates the Positions For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllPositions

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a Position, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update a Position for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllPositions to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Position will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllPositions( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdatePosition =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdatePosition.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdatePosition.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdatePosition.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdatePosition.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdatePosition() = {UpdatePosition}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdatePositions = Client.UpdatePositions( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdatePosition )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available ACA Benefit Categories For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active ACA Benefit Categories, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve active ACA Benefit Categories for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedACABenefitCategories = Client.GetACABenefitCategories( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional ACA Benefit Categories For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllACABenefitCategories

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a ACA Benefit Categories, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a WOTC Position Codes for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllACABenefitCategories to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to create and show what order the ACA Benefit Categories will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllACABenefitCategories( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim ACABenefitCategory =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	ACABenefitCategory.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	ACABenefitCategory.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	ACABenefitCategory.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	ACABenefitCategory.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewACABenefitCategory() = {ACABenefitCategory}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedACABenefitCategories = Client.CreateACABenefitCategories( Authorization, PartyID, NewACABenefitCategory )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves all ACA Benefit Categories For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive ACA Benefit Categories, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive ACA Benefit Categories for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllACABenefitCategories = Client.GetAllACABenefitCategories( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates ACA Benefit Categories For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllACABenefitCategories

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a ACA Benefit Categories, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update a ACA Benefit Categories for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllACABenefitCategories to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the ACA Benefit Categories will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllACABenefitCategories( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdateACABenefitCategory =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdateACABenefitCategory.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdateACABenefitCategory.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdateACABenefitCategory.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdateACABenefitCategory.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdateACABenefitCategory() = {UpdateACABenefitCategory}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdateACABenefitCategories = Client.UpdateACABenefitCategories( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdateACABenefitCategory )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Offer Letter Templates For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active Offer Letter Templates, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve active Offer Letter Templates for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedOfferLetterTemplates = Client.GetOfferLetterTemplates( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional Offer Letter Templates For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllOfferLetterTemplates

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a Offer Letter Templates, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a Offer Letter Templates for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllOfferLetterTemplates to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to create and show what order the Offer Letter Templates will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllOfferLetterTemplates( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim OfferLetterTemplate =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	OfferLetterTemplate.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	OfferLetterTemplate.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	OfferLetterTemplate.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	OfferLetterTemplate.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewOfferLetterTemplate() = {OfferLetterTemplate}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedOfferLetterTemplates = Client.CreateOfferLetterTemplates( Authorization, PartyID, NewOfferLetterTemplate )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves all Offer Letter Templates For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive Offer Letter Templates, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive Offer Letter Templates for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllOfferLetterTemplates = Client.GetAllOfferLetterTemplates( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates Offer Letter Templates For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllOfferLetterTemplates

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a Offer Letter Templates, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update an Offer Letter Template for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllOfferLetterTemplates to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Offer Letter Templates will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllOfferLetterTemplates( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdateOfferLetterTemplate =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdateOfferLetterTemplate.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdateOfferLetterTemplate.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdateOfferLetterTemplate.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdateOfferLetterTemplate.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdateOfferLetterTemplate() = {UpdateOfferLetterTemplate}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdateOfferLetterTemplates = Client.UpdateOfferLetterTemplates( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdateOfferLetterTemplate )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Bonus Types For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active Bonus Types, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve Bonus Type for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedBonusTypes = Client.GetBonusTypes( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional Bonus Types For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllBonusTypes

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a Bonus Type, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a Bonus Type for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllBonusTypes to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to create and show what order the Bonus Type will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllBonusTypes( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim BonusType =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	BonusType.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	BonusType.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	BonusType.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	BonusType.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewBonusType() = {BonusType}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedBonusTypes = Client.CreateBonusTypes( Authorization, PartyID, NewBonusType )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves all Bonus Types For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive Bonus Types, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive Bonus Types for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllBonusTypes = Client.GetAllBonusTypes( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates Bonus Types For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllBonusTypes

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a Bonus Type, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update a Bonus Type for a specific location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllBonusTypes to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Bonus Type will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllBonusTypes( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdateBonusType =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdateBonusType.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdateBonusType.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdateBonusType.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdateBonusType.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdateBonusType() = {UpdateBonusType}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdateBonusTypes = Client.UpdateBonusTypes( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdateBonusType )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Payroll Deductions For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active Payroll Deductions, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve active Payroll Deductions for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedPayrollDedTypes = Client.GetPayrollDedTypes( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional Payroll Deductions For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllPayrollDedTypes

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a Payroll Deductions, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a Payroll Deductions for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllPayrollDedTypes to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to create and show what order the Payroll Deductions will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllPayrollDedTypes( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim PayrollDedType =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	PayrollDedType.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	PayrollDedType.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	PayrollDedType.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	PayrollDedType.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewPayrollDedType() = {PayrollDedType}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedPayrollDedTypes = Client.CreatePayrollDedTypes( Authorization, PartyID, NewPayrollDedType )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves all Payroll Deductions For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive Payroll Deductions, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive Payroll Deductions for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllPayrollDedTypes = Client.GetAllPayrollDedTypes( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates Payroll Deductions For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllPayrollDedTypes

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a Payroll Deductions, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update a Payroll Deductions for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllPayrollDedTypes to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Payroll Deductions will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllPayrollDedTypes( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdatePayrollDedType =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdatePayrollDedType.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdatePayrollDedType.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdatePayrollDedType.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdatePayrollDedType.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdatePayrollDedType() = {UpdatePayrollDedType}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdatePayrollDedTypes = Client.UpdatePayrollDedTypes( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdatePayrollDedType )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Reimbursement Types For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active Reimbursement Types, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve active Reimbursement Types for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedReimbursementTypes = Client.GetReimbursementTypes( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional Reimbursement Types For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllReimbursementTypes

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a Reimbursement Types, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a Reimbursement Types for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllReimbursementTypes to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to create and show what order the Reimbursement Types will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllReimbursementTypes( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim ReimbursementType =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	ReimbursementType.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	ReimbursementType.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	ReimbursementType.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	ReimbursementType.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewReimbursementType() = {ReimbursementType}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedReimbursementTypes = Client.CreateReimbursementTypes( Authorization, PartyID, NewReimbursementType )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves all Reimbursement Types For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive Reimbursement Types, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive Reimbursement Types for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllReimbursementTypes = Client.GetAllReimbursementTypes( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates the Reimbursement Types For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllReimbursementTypes

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a Reimbursement Types, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update a Reimbursement Types for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllReimbursementTypes to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the Reimbursement Types will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllReimbursementTypes( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdateReimbursementType =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdateReimbursementType.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdateReimbursementType.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdateReimbursementType.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdateReimbursementType.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdateReimbursementType() = {UpdateReimbursementType}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdateReimbursementTypes = Client.UpdateReimbursementTypes( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdateReimbursementType )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of active WOTC Position Codes For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active WOTC Postition Codes, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve active WOTC Position Types for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedWOTCPositionCodes = Client.GetWOTCPositionCodes( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Adds additional WOTC Position Codes For the provided LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllWOTCPositionCodes

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to create a WOTC Position Codes, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to create a WOTC Position Codes for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllWOTCPositionCodes to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to create and show what order the WOTC Position Codes will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllWOTCPositionCodes( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim WOTCPositionCode =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	WOTCPositionCode.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	WOTCPositionCode.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	WOTCPositionCode.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	WOTCPositionCode.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewWOTCPositionCode() = {WOTCPositionCode}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedWOTCPositionCodes = Client.CreateWOTCPositionCodes( Authorization, PartyID, NewWOTCPositionCode )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of all WOTC Position Codes For a LocationID Or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve all active or inactive WOTC Postition Codes, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve all active or inactive WOTC Position Types for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAllWOTCPositionCodes = Client.GetAllWOTCPositionCodes( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates the WOTC Position Codes

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. DisplaySequence from MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass retrieved via GetAllWOTCPositionCodes

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to update a WOTC Positon Codes, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to update a WOTC Position Codes for a specific company or location.The DisplaySequence can be retirieved from GetAllWOTCPositionCodes to give you an accurate representation on what number to use. This is used to update and show what order the WOTC Postition Codes will show up in EHX.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Variables: MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Variables As MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim VariableValueLookups = Client.GetAllWOTCPositionCodes( Authorization,  PartyID )
	Dim DisplaySequence = VariableValueLookups(0).DisplaySequence

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim UpdateWOTCPositionCode =  new EFAPI.MainAPIVariableValueLookupClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	UpdateWOTCPositionCode.Code = External_Variable_Lookup_Code 'String: A variable Value Code represents a system code for the specified variable type
	UpdateWOTCPositionCode.Description = Variable Description 'String: A variable Value description represents a human readable name for the specified variable type
	UpdateWOTCPositionCode.DisplaySequence = 1 'String: A variable Value Display Sequence represents the numerical order in which a specified variable type displays in the EHX portal.

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	UpdateWOTCPositionCode.ID =  'String: 

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewUpdateWOTCPositionCode() = {UpdateWOTCPositionCode}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedUpdateWOTCPositionCodes = Client.UpdateWOTCPositionCodes( Authorization, PartyID, NewUpdateWOTCPositionCode )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Pay Types For the company Or service bureau identified by the authorization GUID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedPayTypes = Client.GetPayTypes( Authorization )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Employee Types For the company Or service bureau identified by the authorization GUID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeeTypes = Client.GetEmployeeTypes( Authorization )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Employee Statuses For the company Or service bureau identified by the authorization GUID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeeStatuses = Client.GetEmployeeStatuses( Authorization )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Pay Frequencies For the company Or service bureau identified by the authorization GUID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedPayFrequencies = Client.GetPayFrequencies( Authorization )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Genders For the company Or service bureau identified by the authorization GUID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedGenders = Client.GetGenders( Authorization )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Marital Statuses For the company Or service bureau identified by the authorization GUID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedMaritalStatuses = Client.GetMaritalStatuses( Authorization )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array Of available Direct Deposit Types For the company Or service bureau identified by the authorization GUID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedDirectDepositTypes = Client.GetDirectDepositTypes( Authorization )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Gets a list Of attachments For an employee

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. EmployeeID from MainAPIEmployeeLookupClass retrieved via LookupEmployee
  3. RegistrationRequestID from MainAPIEmployeeStatusClass retrieved via GetEmployeeStatusByPartyID

Additional Information:

GetComanyList, LookupEmployee and GetEmployeeStatusByPartyID are prerequisites to retrieve all attachments for an employee.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • RegRequestID: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. RegRequestID As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim EmployeeLookups = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization,  CompanyID,  FirstName,  LastName,  Email )
	Dim EmployeeID = EmployeeLookups(0).EmployeeID
	Dim EmployeeStatus = Client.GetEmployeeStatusByPartyID( Authorization,  EmployeeID )
	Dim RegistrationRequestID = EmployeeStatus(0).RegistrationRequestID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim RegRequestID =  'String: The employee RegistrationRequestID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedAttachmentss = Client.GetAttachmentList( Authorization, RegRequestID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Gets a specific attachement For an employee.

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. EmployeeID from MainAPIEmployeeLookupClass retrieved via LookupEmployee
  3. RegistrationRequestID from MainAPIEmployeeStatusClass retrieved via GetEmployeeStatusByPartyID
  4. Index from MainAPIAttachmentClass retrieved via GetAttachmentList

Additional Information:

GetComanyList, LookupEmployee, GetEmployeeStatusByPartyID and GetAttachmentList are prerequisites to retrieve a specific attachment for an employee..

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • RegRequestID: String
  • Index: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. RegRequestID As String
  3. Index As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim EmployeeLookups = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization,  CompanyID,  FirstName,  LastName,  Email )
	Dim EmployeeID = EmployeeLookups(0).EmployeeID
	Dim EmployeeStatus = Client.GetEmployeeStatusByPartyID( Authorization,  EmployeeID )
	Dim RegistrationRequestID = EmployeeStatus(0).RegistrationRequestID
	Dim Attachments = Client.GetAttachmentList( Authorization,  RegRequestID )
	Dim Index = Attachments(0).Index

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim RegRequestID =  'String: The employee RegistrationRequestID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedStrings = Client.GetAttachment( Authorization, RegRequestID, Index )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Uploads a payroll file To our processor for the provided companyID.

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • P: MainAPIPayrollClass

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. P As MainAPIPayrollClass
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim P =  new EFAPI.MainAPIPayrollClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	P.CompanyID = CompanyID 'Int32: Company ID
	P.PayrollFile =  'String: Base64 encoded sting value of the doument must be a .TXT file
	P.PayrollType = "M" 'String: Valid payroll types are M = Monthly hours/wages data, MY = Monthly Year To Date  hours/wages data, T = Term Dates, S = Start Dates, A = Annual hours/wages data
	P.Year = "2019" 'String: Current year of upload in YYYY format

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	P.Month = "01" 'String: Required field if uploading a monthly file. Current Month of upload in MM format
	P.NotificationID =  'Int32: 
	P.OverWrite =  'String: 
	P.QueueStatus =  'String: 
	P.Submitted =  'String: 
	P.TrackingGUID =  'String: A guid that you can look up the file at a later date

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedPayrolls = Client.UploadPayroll( Authorization, P )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a list of Companies for the supplied Authentication GUID. This contract will return more than one record if you are a Service Bureau customer

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedCompaniess = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a Company class for the supplied AuthenticationGUID and ExternalID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • ExternalID: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. ExternalID As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim ExternalID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: The External ID provided by another system (payroll, ATS, etc)

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedCompanies = Client.GetCompanyByExternalID( Authorization, ExternalID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a Company class for the supplied AuthenticationGUID and Company

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • Company: MainAPICompanyClass

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. Company As MainAPICompanyClass
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim Company =  new EFAPI.MainAPICompanyClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Company.CompanyID = CompanyID 'Int32: Company ID

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Company.CompanyName = "Spacely's Sprockets" 'String: Company Name
	Company.ExportExternalID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: External ID used for data exports (payroll systems, ATS, etc.)
	Company.FEIN = "12-1234567" 'String: 9 Digit Federal Employer Identification Number in format xx-xxxxxxx
	Company.ImportExternalID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: External ID for data imports (payroll systems, ATS, etc.)

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedCompanies = Client.UpdateCompany( Authorization, Company )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a Company or location by FEIN number

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • FEIN: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. FEIN As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim FEIN = "12-1234567" 'String: 9 Digit Federal Employer Identification Number in format xx-xxxxxxx

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedFEINs = Client.GetCompanyOrLocationByFEIN( Authorization, FEIN )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a list of all Locations for the supplied Authentication GUID and Company

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedLocationss = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a list of Active Locations for the supplied Authentication GUID and Company

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedLocationss = Client.GetActiveLocationList( Authorization, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieves a list of Locations for the given ManagerID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. ManagerID from MainAPIManagerClass retrieved via GetManagerList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • ManagerID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. ManagerID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Managers = Client.GetManagerList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim ManagerID = Managers(0).ManagerID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedLocationss = Client.GetLocationListForManager( Authorization, ManagerID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of locations for the supplied AuthenticationGUID, ExternalManagerID and ExternalCompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:


Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • ExternalManagerID: String
  • ExternalCompanyID: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. ExternalManagerID As String
  3. ExternalCompanyID As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim ExternalManagerID = "Manager_123" 'String: An ID to handle export/import (for example from an ATS)
	Dim ExternalCompanyID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: The External ID provided by another system (payroll, ATS, etc)

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedLocationss = Client.GetLocationListForManagerWithExternalIDs( Authorization, ExternalManagerID, ExternalCompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Imports a List of Location classes to the EHX Database. Returns a List of Location classes

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • Locations: MainAPILocationClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. Locations As MainAPILocationClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim Location =  new EFAPI.MainAPILocationClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Location.CompanyID = CompanyID 'Int32: Company ID
	Location.LocationID = LocationID 'String: The EHX Location ID
	Location.LocationName = "Denver's Sprockets" 'String: The specific location name
	Location.LocationNumber = "02-01" 'String: A location identifier

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Location.Active_AI = "A Or I" 'String: Defines if location is Active ("A") or Inactive ("I")
	Location.City = "Denver" 'String: Location City
	Location.Email = "Support@SpacelySprockets.com" 'String: Must be a valid email (Must contain @ character preceded and followed by standard alphanumeric characters)
	Location.ExportExternalID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: External ID used for data exports (payroll systems, ATS, etc.)
	Location.FEIN = "12-1234567" 'String: 9 Digit Federal Employer Identification Number in format xx-xxxxxxx
	Location.ImportExternalID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: External ID for data imports (payroll systems, ATS, etc.)
	Location.Phone = "303-555-1234" 'String: Location Phone Number (Accepts most phone number formats)
	Location.State = "CO" 'String: Two-Character Postal Abbreviation
	Location.Street1 = "143 Maple Street" 'String: Primary Street Address
	Location.Street2 = "Suite #301" 'String: Secondary Address Unit Designator
	Location.ZipCode = "80206" 'String: 5 or 5+4 Postal Zip Code as String

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewLocation() = {Location}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedLocationss = Client.ImportLocations( Authorization, Locations )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates a location in the EHX Database. Returns a Location class for the supplied AuthenticationGUID and Location

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • Location: MainAPILocationClass

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. Location As MainAPILocationClass
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim Location =  new EFAPI.MainAPILocationClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Location.CompanyID = CompanyID 'Int32: Company ID
	Location.LocationID = LocationID 'String: The EHX Location ID
	Location.LocationName = "Denver's Sprockets" 'String: The specific location name
	Location.LocationNumber = "02-01" 'String: A location identifier

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Location.Active_AI = "A Or I" 'String: Defines if location is Active ("A") or Inactive ("I")
	Location.City = "Denver" 'String: Location City
	Location.Email = "Support@SpacelySprockets.com" 'String: Must be a valid email (Must contain @ character preceded and followed by standard alphanumeric characters)
	Location.ExportExternalID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: External ID used for data exports (payroll systems, ATS, etc.)
	Location.FEIN = "12-1234567" 'String: 9 Digit Federal Employer Identification Number in format xx-xxxxxxx
	Location.ImportExternalID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: External ID for data imports (payroll systems, ATS, etc.)
	Location.Phone = "303-555-1234" 'String: Location Phone Number (Accepts most phone number formats)
	Location.State = "CO" 'String: Two-Character Postal Abbreviation
	Location.Street1 = "143 Maple Street" 'String: Primary Street Address
	Location.Street2 = "Suite #301" 'String: Secondary Address Unit Designator
	Location.ZipCode = "80206" 'String: 5 or 5+4 Postal Zip Code as String

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedLocations = Client.UpdateLocation( Authorization, Location )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of managers for a given AuthenticationGUID, and CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedManagerss = Client.GetManagerList( Authorization, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Imports a List of Manager Classes to the EHX Database. Returns a list of Manager Classes

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. ManagerID from MainAPIManagerClass retrieved via GetManagerList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • Managers: MainAPIManagerClass[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. Managers As MainAPIManagerClass[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Managers = Client.GetManagerList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim ManagerID = Managers(0).ManagerID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim Manager =  new EFAPI.MainAPIManagerClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Manager.CompanyID = CompanyID 'Int32: Company ID
	Manager.Email = "Support@SpacelySprockets.com" 'String: Must be a valid email (Must contain @ character preceded and followed by standard alphanumeric characters)
	Manager.FirstName = "George" 'String: First Name
	Manager.LastName = "Jetson" 'String: Last Name
	Manager.ManagerID = ManagerID 'String: The EHX ManagerID

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Manager.CreatedAt =  'String: 
	Manager.EFUserID = "GJettson" 'String: The manager's Login ID for the EF Manager Portal
	Manager.ExternalManagerID = "Manager_123" 'String: An ID to handle export/import (for example from an ATS)
	Manager.ManagerLevel = "Middle Management" 'String: Management Level can be used to group managers
	Manager.PartyStatus = "A Or I" 'String: Defines if location is Active ("A") or Inactive ("I")
	Manager.Title = "RUDI Operations Manager" 'String: Specific manager's official title

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewManager() = {Manager}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedManagerss = Client.ImportManagers( Authorization, Managers )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates a manager in the EHX Database. Returns the updated manager

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. ManagerID from MainAPIManagerClass retrieved via GetManagerList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • Manager: MainAPIManagerClass

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. Manager As MainAPIManagerClass
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Managers = Client.GetManagerList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim ManagerID = Managers(0).ManagerID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim Manager =  new EFAPI.MainAPIManagerClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Manager.CompanyID = CompanyID 'Int32: Company ID
	Manager.Email = "Support@SpacelySprockets.com" 'String: Must be a valid email (Must contain @ character preceded and followed by standard alphanumeric characters)
	Manager.FirstName = "George" 'String: First Name
	Manager.LastName = "Jetson" 'String: Last Name
	Manager.ManagerID = ManagerID 'String: The EHX ManagerID

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Manager.CreatedAt =  'String: 
	Manager.EFUserID = "GJettson" 'String: The manager's Login ID for the EF Manager Portal
	Manager.ExternalManagerID = "Manager_123" 'String: An ID to handle export/import (for example from an ATS)
	Manager.ManagerLevel = "Middle Management" 'String: Management Level can be used to group managers
	Manager.PartyStatus = "A Or I" 'String: Defines if location is Active ("A") or Inactive ("I")
	Manager.Title = "RUDI Operations Manager" 'String: Specific manager's official title

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedManagers = Client.UpdateManager( Authorization, Manager )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates locations associated with a Manager ID based on a list of Location IDs. Returns a "SUCCESS" on successful update, or Error information as a string

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. ManagerID from MainAPIManagerClass retrieved via GetManagerList

Additional Information:

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • ManagerID: Int32
  • LocationIDs: Int32[]

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. ManagerID As Int32
  3. LocationIDs As Int32[]
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Managers = Client.GetManagerList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim ManagerID = Managers(0).ManagerID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim LocationID =  'Int32[]: 
	'Push to Array
	Dim NewLocationID() = {LocationID}

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedStrings = Client.UpdateManagerLocations( Authorization, ManagerID, LocationIDs )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of employees for the supplied AuthenticationGUID, CompanyID, and ExternalID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • ExternalID: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. ExternalID As String
  3. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim ExternalID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: The External ID provided by another system (payroll, ATS, etc)

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployees = Client.GetEmployeeByExternalID( Authorization, ExternalID, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of employees with the given names for the Company

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • FirstName: String
  • LastName: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. FirstName As String
  3. LastName As String
  4. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim FirstName = "George" 'String: First Name
	Dim LastName = "Jetson" 'String: Last Name

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeess = Client.GetEmployeeByName( Authorization, FirstName, LastName, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a list of Employee Lookup classes for the supplied First Name, Last Name or Email, and CompanyID. Passing only CompanyID and Blank Strings will return all Employees

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: String
  • FirstName: String
  • LastName: String
  • Email: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As String
  3. FirstName As String
  4. LastName As String
  5. Email As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim FirstName = "George" 'String: First Name
	Dim LastName = "Jetson" 'String: Last Name
	Dim Email = "Support@SpacelySprockets.com" 'String: Must be a valid email (Must contain @ character preceded and followed by standard alphanumeric characters)

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeeLookupss = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization, CompanyID, FirstName, LastName, Email )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Retrieve employees created since a given Date

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve Employees that where created since the integer entered for a specific company.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: String
  • DaysBack: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As String
  3. DaysBack As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim DaysBack = 2 'Int32: Number of days you wish to look back

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeeLookupss = Client.LookupEmployeeCreatedSince( Authorization, CompanyID, DaysBack )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a List of Employee classes based on the provided email address

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • EMail: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. EMail As String
  3. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim EMail = "Support@SpacelySprockets.com" 'String: Must be a valid email (Must contain @ character preceded and followed by standard alphanumeric characters)

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeess = Client.GetEmployeeByEmail( Authorization, EMail, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns the employee specified by the given party ID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'String: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployees = Client.GetEmployeeByPartyID( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of employees for the given SSN and CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • SSN: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. SSN As String
  3. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim SSN = "000-00-0000" 'String: The SSN should be passed in the format xxx-xx-xxxx

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployees = Client.GetEmployeeBySSN( Authorization, SSN, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Imports an Employee to EHX, creates the first RequestType and allows you to send a registration email to the employee

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList
  3. RegTypeCode from MainAPIRegistrationRequestTypeClass retrieved via GetRegRequestTypes
  4. EmployeeStatus from MainAPIVariableValueListLookupClass retrieved via GetEmployeeStatuses
  5. Gender from MainAPIVariableValueListLookupClass retrieved via GetGenders
  6. PayRateType from MainAPIVariableValueListLookupClass retrieved via GetPayTypes

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • Employees: MainAPIEmployeeClass[]
  • RegistrationTypeCode: String
  • SendRegEmailYN: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. Employees As MainAPIEmployeeClass[]
  3. RegistrationTypeCode As String
  4. SendRegEmailYN As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID
	Dim RegistrationRequestTypes = Client.GetRegRequestTypes( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim RegTypeCode = RegistrationRequestTypes(0).RegTypeCode
	Dim EmployeeStatusArray = Client.GetEmployeeStatuses( Authorization )
	Dim EmployeeStatus = EmployeeStatusArray(0).Code
	Dim GenderArray = Client.GetGenders( Authorization )
	Dim Gender = GenderArray(0).Code
	Dim PayRateTypeArray = Client.GetPayTypes( Authorization )
	Dim PayRateType = PayRateTypeArray(0).Code

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim Employee =  new EFAPI.MainAPIEmployeeClass()

	'Define Required Fields
	Employee.CompanyID = CompanyID 'Int32: Company ID
	Employee.Email = "Support@SpacelySprockets.com" 'String: Must be a valid email (Must contain @ character preceded and followed by standard alphanumeric characters)
	Employee.FirstName = "George" 'String: First Name
	Employee.LastName = "Jetson" 'String: Last Name
	Employee.LocationID = LocationID 'Int32: The EHX Location ID

	'Define Any Additional Fields
	Employee.DateOfBirth = "11/23/1912" 'String: Employees date of birth in format MM/DD/YYYY
	Employee.DateOfHire = "09/23/1962" 'String: Employees Hire date in format MM/DD/YYYY
	Employee.EmployeeID = "140777" 'Int32: An employee's EHX ID. Can also be retrieved via GetEmployeeByXXXXXX, and LookupEmployee methods
	Employee.EmployeeStatus = EmployeeStatus 'String: Employee Status Code ('exempt', 'non-exempt'), the options available for a specific Company/SB are available via GetEmployeeStatuses Contract
	Employee.ExternalEmployeeID = "GJetson201" 'String: An external ID, ie. from an ATS or payroll system
	Employee.Gender = Gender 'String: String representation of Gender. Options available for a specific Company/SB are available via GetGenders Contract
	Employee.HomeAddress1 = "855 Visionary Trail" 'String: Primary Street Address
	Employee.HomeAddress2 = "Suite #345" 'String: Secondary Address Unit Designator
	Employee.HomeCity = "Golden" 'String: Employee city name
	Employee.HomeState = "CO" 'String: two-character Postal abbreviation
	Employee.HomeZip = "80401" 'String: 5 or 5+4 Postal Zip Code as String
	Employee.HoursPerWeek = "2" 'String: Hours Worked Weekly, must be castable to a Float
	Employee.MailAddress1 = "4000 Warner Boulevard" 'String: Employee primary street address, or PO Box for mailing
	Employee.MailAddress2 = "Studio #2" 'String: Employee Secondary Address Unit Designator for mailing
	Employee.MailCity = "Burbank" 'String: Employee mailing address city
	Employee.MailState = "CA" 'String: two-character Postal abbreviation
	Employee.MailZip = "91522" 'String: 5 or 5+4 Postal Zip Code as String
	Employee.MiddleName = "Washington" 'String: Employee Middle Name
	Employee.PayRateOne = "120000.00" 'String: An employee's defined pay rate
	Employee.PayRateOvertimeOne = "12" 'String: An employee's overtime payrate
	Employee.PayRateType = PayRateType 'String: The type of payrate for the employee (typically "Hourly"/"Salary"). All available options can be retrieved with GetPayRates contract
	Employee.PhonePrimary = "303-555-1234" 'String: Employee primary phone number (Accepts most phone number formats)
	Employee.PhoneSecondary = "303-555-1234" 'String: Employee secondary phone number (Accepts most phone number formats)
	Employee.RegisterLink = "CO" 'String: A location identifier
	Employee.SSN = "000-00-0000" 'String: The SSN should be passed in the format xxx-xx-xxxx
	Employee.StartDate = "08/23/2001" 'String: Employees start date in format MM/DD/YYYY
	Employee.Supervisor = "Cosmo Spacely" 'String: Supervisor Name
	Employee.WorkState = "CO" 'String: two-character Postal abbreviation

	'Push to Array
	Dim NewEmployee() = {Employee}

	Dim RegistrationTypeCode = RegTypeCode 'String: Initial RegRequest Type. You can return options via GetRegRequestTypes()
	Dim SendRegEmailYN = "Y or N" 'String: Single Character Y/N if you want EHX to send the employee a registration email

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeess = Client.ImportEmployees( Authorization, Employees, RegistrationTypeCode, SendRegEmailYN )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a base-64 encoded string that represents the PDF form for the supplied RegID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • RegistrationRequestID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. RegistrationRequestID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim RegistrationRequestID =  'Int32: 

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedStrings = Client.GetForms( Authorization, RegistrationRequestID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a List of Employee Export Class for the supplied AuthenticationGUID, RegistrationRequestID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. RegRequestID from Int32 retrieved via GetEmployeeRegistrationRequestsNeedingExport

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • RegistrationRequestID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. RegistrationRequestID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Int32s = Client.GetEmployeeRegistrationRequestsNeedingExport( Authorization,  CompanyID,  RegistrationTypeCode,  RegistrationStatus )
	Dim RegRequestID = Int32s(0).RegRequestID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim RegistrationRequestID =  'Int32: 

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeeExports = Client.GetEmployeeData( Authorization, RegistrationRequestID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of Registration Request IDs for an employee that have not yet been exported

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. RegTypeCode from MainAPIRegistrationRequestTypeClass retrieved via GetRegRequestTypes
  3. RegStatus from MainAPIRegistrationRequestStatusClass retrieved via GetRegRequestStatuses

Additional Information:

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: Int32
  • RegistrationTypeCode: String
  • RegistrationStatus: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As Int32
  3. RegistrationTypeCode As String
  4. RegistrationStatus As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim RegistrationRequestTypes = Client.GetRegRequestTypes( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim RegTypeCode = RegistrationRequestTypes(0).RegTypeCode
	Dim RegistrationRequestStatuss = Client.GetRegRequestStatuses( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim RegStatus = RegistrationRequestStatuss(0).RegStatus

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim RegistrationTypeCode = RegTypeCode 'String: Initial RegRequest Type. You can return options via GetRegRequestTypes()
	Dim RegistrationStatus = RegStatus 'String: Initial RegRequest Type. You can return options via GetRegRequestStatuses()

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedInt32ss = Client.GetEmployeeRegistrationRequestsNeedingExport( Authorization, CompanyID, RegistrationTypeCode, RegistrationStatus )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns employee status based on provided employee ID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. EmployeeID from MainAPIEmployeeLookupClass retrieved via LookupEmployee

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • EmployeeID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. EmployeeID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim EmployeeLookups = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization,  CompanyID,  FirstName,  LastName,  Email )
	Dim EmployeeID = EmployeeLookups(0).EmployeeID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeeStatuss = Client.GetEmployeeStatusByPartyID( Authorization, EmployeeID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns employee status based on provided registration request

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. RegRequestID from Int32 retrieved via GetEmployeeRegistrationRequestsNeedingExport

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • RegRequestID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. RegRequestID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Int32s = Client.GetEmployeeRegistrationRequestsNeedingExport( Authorization,  CompanyID,  RegistrationTypeCode,  RegistrationStatus )
	Dim RegRequestID = Int32s(0).RegRequestID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployeeStatuss = Client.GetEmployeeStatusByRegistrationRequest( Authorization, RegRequestID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Updates an employee status. Available Statuses can be retrieved via GetEmployeeStatuses contract. Returns "SUCCESS" on successful update, or erro information

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. EmployeeID from MainAPIEmployeeLookupClass retrieved via LookupEmployee
  2. EmployeeStatus from MainAPIVariableValueListLookupClass retrieved via GetEmployeeStatuses

Additional Information:

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32
  • Status: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
  3. Status As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim EmployeeLookups = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization,  CompanyID,  FirstName,  LastName,  Email )
	Dim EmployeeID = EmployeeLookups(0).EmployeeID
	Dim EmployeeStatusArray = Client.GetEmployeeStatuses( Authorization )
	Dim EmployeeStatus = EmployeeStatusArray(0).Code

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim Status = EmployeeStatus 'String: An employee status. Available statuses can be retrieved via GetEmployeeStatuses contract.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedStrings = Client.UpdateEmployeeStatus( Authorization, PartyID, Status )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a Single Sign-on URL for a given AuthenticationGUID and PartyID. This contract applies for all user roles in EHX: Employee, Manager, Administrator. The EF API will manage security for the user in EHX

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. EmployeeID from MainAPIEmployeeLookupClass retrieved via LookupEmployee

Additional Information:

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim EmployeeLookups = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization,  CompanyID,  FirstName,  LastName,  Email )
	Dim EmployeeID = EmployeeLookups(0).EmployeeID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedStrings = Client.RequestSingleSignon( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a Single Sign-on URL for a given AuthenticationGUID ExternalManagerID, ExternalCompanyID. This contract applies for all user roles in EHX: Employee, Manager, Administrator. The EF API will manage security for the user in EHX

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. EmployeeID from MainAPIEmployeeLookupClass retrieved via LookupEmployee

Additional Information:

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • ExternalManagerID: String
  • ExternalCompanyID: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. ExternalManagerID As String
  3. ExternalCompanyID As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim EmployeeLookups = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization,  CompanyID,  FirstName,  LastName,  Email )
	Dim EmployeeID = EmployeeLookups(0).EmployeeID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim ExternalManagerID = "Manager_123" 'String: An ID to handle export/import (for example from an ATS)
	Dim ExternalCompanyID = "Evolution_Company_1337" 'String: The External ID provided by another system (payroll, ATS, etc)

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedStrings = Client.RequestSingleSignonWithExternalIDs( Authorization, ExternalManagerID, ExternalCompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a Single Sign-on URL for a given AuthenticationGUID ExternalManagerID, ExternalCompanyID. This contract applies for all user roles in EHX: Employee, Manager, Administrator. The EF API will manage security for the user in EHX

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. EmployeeID from MainAPIEmployeeLookupClass retrieved via LookupEmployee

Additional Information:

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: String
  • Password: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As String
  3. Password As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim EmployeeLookups = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization,  CompanyID,  FirstName,  LastName,  Email )
	Dim EmployeeID = EmployeeLookups(0).EmployeeID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'String: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.
	Dim Password =  'String: 

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedStrings = Client.AuthenticateID( Authorization, PartyID, Password )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a Single Sign-on URL for a given AuthenticationGUID ExternalManagerID, ExternalCompanyID. This contract applies for all user roles in EHX: Employee, Manager, Administrator. The EF API will manage security for the user in EHX

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. EmployeeID from MainAPIEmployeeLookupClass retrieved via LookupEmployee

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: String
  • UserID: String
  • Password: String

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As String
  3. UserID As String
  4. Password As String
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim EmployeeLookups = Client.LookupEmployee( Authorization,  CompanyID,  FirstName,  LastName,  Email )
	Dim EmployeeID = EmployeeLookups(0).EmployeeID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim CompanyID = CompanyID 'String: Company ID
	Dim UserID =  'String: 
	Dim Password =  'String: 

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedEmployees = Client.AuthenticateUserID( Authorization, CompanyID, UserID, Password )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a list of Registration Request Types. Registration Request Types are the transaction types employees complete in EHX

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedRegistrationRequestStatusss = Client.GetRegRequestStatuses( Authorization, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns a list of Registration Request Types. Registration Request Types are the transaction types employees complete in EHX

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • CompanyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. CompanyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedRegistrationRequestTypess = Client.GetRegRequestTypes( Authorization, CompanyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Sets a Registration Request to show as Exported

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList

Additional Information:

Returns :

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • RegRequestID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. RegRequestID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim RegRequestID =  'Int32: The employee RegistrationRequestID

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedStrings = Client.SetRegRequestAsExported( Authorization, RegRequestID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


Returns an array of available or active Divisions for a LocationID or CompanyID

Prerequisite Calls:

  1. CompanyID from MainAPICompanyClass retrieved via GetCompanyList
  2. LocationID from MainAPILocationClass retrieved via GetLocationList

Additional Information:

GetCompanyList Is required to retrieve active Divisions, GetLocationList Is a prerequisite if you want to retrieve Dvisions for a specific company or location.

Required Parameters:

  • Authorization: String
  • PartyID: Int32

Required Parameters:

  1. Authorization As String
  2. PartyID As Int32
Sub Main()

	'Initialize The Service Reference Client
	Dim Client = New EFAPI.EFAPIServiceInterfaceClient()

	'Make Prerequisite calls
	Dim Companies = Client.GetCompanyList( Authorization )
	Dim CompanyID = Companies(0).CompanyID
	Dim Locations = Client.GetLocationList( Authorization,  CompanyID )
	Dim LocationID = Locations(0).LocationID

	'Generate Call Parameters
	Dim Authorization = "DEVAPISB-3ea4-47da-9361-6266288dfa9e" 'String: Your Authorization GUID
	Dim PartyID = "123456" 'Int32: PartyID is an identifier for Employee, Company or Location.

	'Call Service Contract
	Dim ReturnedDivisions = Client.GetDivisions( Authorization, PartyID )

	'Do Stuff with Return
	Yay stuff!

End Sub


  1. Code: String
  2. Description: String
  3. DisplaySequence: String
  4. ID: String
  5. Status: String
  6. VariableStatus: String


  1. Code: String
  2. Description: String
  3. Status: String


  1. AttachmentTypeCode: String
  2. Description: String
  3. FileName: String
  4. Index: Int32
  5. Method: String
  6. Received: DateTime
  7. RegistrationRequest: Int32
  8. Status: String
  9. Version: String


  1. CreateTimestamp: String
  2. Description: String
  3. DocumentLink: String
  4. DocumentType: String
  5. PartyID: Int32
  6. Period: String
  7. Status: String


  1. CompanyID: Int32
  2. Month: String
  3. NotificationID: Int32
  4. OverWrite: String
  5. PayrollFile: String
  6. PayrollType: String
  7. QueueStatus: String
  8. Status: String
  9. Submitted: String
  10. TrackingGUID: String
  11. Year: String


  1. CompanyID: Int32
  2. CompanyName: String
  3. ExportExternalID: String
  4. FEIN: String
  5. ImportExternalID: String
  6. Status: String


  1. CompanyFEIN: String
  2. CompanyID: Int32
  3. LocationFEIN: String
  4. LocationID: Int32
  5. Status: String


  1. Active_AI: String
  2. City: String
  3. CompanyID: Int32
  4. Email: String
  5. ExportExternalID: String
  6. FEIN: String
  7. ImportExternalID: String
  8. LocationID: String
  9. LocationName: String
  10. LocationNumber: String
  11. Phone: String
  12. State: String
  13. Status: String
  14. Street1: String
  15. Street2: String
  16. ZipCode: String


  1. CompanyID: Int32
  2. CreatedAt: String
  3. EFUserID: String
  4. Email: String
  5. ExternalManagerID: String
  6. FirstName: String
  7. LastName: String
  8. ManagerID: String
  9. ManagerLevel: String
  10. PartyStatus: String
  11. Status: String
  12. Title: String


  1. CompanyID: Int32
  2. DateOfBirth: String
  3. DateOfHire: String
  4. Email: String
  5. EmployeeID: Int32
  6. EmployeeStatus: String
  7. ExternalEmployeeID: String
  8. FirstName: String
  9. Gender: String
  10. HomeAddress1: String
  11. HomeAddress2: String
  12. HomeCity: String
  13. HomeState: String
  14. HomeZip: String
  15. HoursPerWeek: String
  16. LastName: String
  17. LocationID: Int32
  18. MailAddress1: String
  19. MailAddress2: String
  20. MailCity: String
  21. MailState: String
  22. MailZip: String
  23. MiddleName: String
  24. PayRateOne: String
  25. PayRateOvertimeOne: String
  26. PayRateType: String
  27. PhonePrimary: String
  28. PhoneSecondary: String
  29. RegisterLink: String
  30. SSN: String
  31. StartDate: String
  32. Status: String
  33. Supervisor: String
  34. WorkState: String


  1. CompanyID: Int32
  2. Email: String
  3. EmployeeID: Int32
  4. FirstName: String
  5. LastName: String
  6. Status: String


  1. Company: CompanyClass
  2. CriminalHistory: CriminalHistoryClass[]
  3. CustomOnboardingQuestions: CustomOnboardingQuestionsClass
  4. DateOfBirth: String
  5. DirectDeposits: DirectDepositClass[]
  6. DriverInformation: DriverInformationClass
  7. EEO: EEOClass
  8. Education: EducationClass[]
  9. EmailAlternate: String
  10. EmailPrimary: String
  11. EmergencyContacts: EmergencyContactClass[]
  12. EmployeeID: Int32
  13. EmploymentHistory: EmploymentHistoryClass[]
  14. ExternalEmployeeID: String
  15. FederalAdditionalAmount: String
  16. FederalExempt: String
  17. FederalFilingStatus: String
  18. FederalTotalAllowances: String
  19. FirstName: String
  20. Gender: String
  21. HR: HRClass
  22. I9: I9Class
  23. LastName: String
  24. Location: LocationClass
  25. MaritalDate: String
  26. MaritalStatus: String
  27. MiddleName: String
  28. NamePrefix: String
  29. NameSuffix: String
  30. Nickname: String
  31. PhonePrimary: String
  32. PhoneSecondary: String
  33. PreferredName: String
  34. References: ReferenceClass[]
  35. Residences: ResidenceClass[]
  36. SSN: String
  37. StateAdditionalAmount: String
  38. StateExempt: String
  39. StateFilingStatus: String
  40. StateSchoolDistrictName: String
  41. StateSchoolDistrictNumber: String
  42. StateTotalAllowances: String
  43. Status: String
  44. W4Deductions: String
  45. W4ExtraWithholding: String
  46. W4OtherDeps: String
  47. W4OtherIncome: String
  48. W4QualifyingChildDeps: String
  49. W4TotalDependents: String
  50. W4TwoJobMethod: String
  51. WithholdingCounty: String
  52. WithholdingCountyAdditionalAmount: String
  53. WithholdingState: String


  1. AddressStreet1: String
  2. AddressStreet2: String
  3. City: String
  4. CompanyID: Int32
  5. CompanyNumber: String
  6. ContactName: String
  7. ContactPhone: String
  8. Email: String
  9. Name: String
  10. NumberOfEmployees: String
  11. State: String
  12. TaxID: String
  13. Zip: String


  1. CompanyCustomCmbo1: Object
  2. CompanyCustomCmbo10: Object
  3. CompanyCustomCmbo2: Object
  4. CompanyCustomCmbo3: Object
  5. CompanyCustomCmbo4: Object
  6. CompanyCustomCmbo5: Object
  7. CompanyCustomCmbo6: Object
  8. CompanyCustomCmbo7: Object
  9. CompanyCustomCmbo8: Object
  10. CompanyCustomCmbo9: Object
  11. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer1: Object
  12. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer10: Object
  13. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer2: Object
  14. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer3: Object
  15. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer4: Object
  16. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer5: Object
  17. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer6: Object
  18. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer7: Object
  19. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer8: Object
  20. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer9: Object
  21. CompanyCustomTxt1: Object
  22. CompanyCustomTxt10: Object
  23. CompanyCustomTxt2: Object
  24. CompanyCustomTxt3: Object
  25. CompanyCustomTxt4: Object
  26. CompanyCustomTxt5: Object
  27. CompanyCustomTxt6: Object
  28. CompanyCustomTxt7: Object
  29. CompanyCustomTxt8: Object
  30. CompanyCustomTxt9: Object
  31. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer1: Object
  32. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer10: Object
  33. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer2: Object
  34. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer3: Object
  35. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer4: Object
  36. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer5: Object
  37. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer6: Object
  38. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer7: Object
  39. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer8: Object
  40. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer9: Object
  41. CompanyCustomYN1: Object
  42. CompanyCustomYN10: Object
  43. CompanyCustomYN2: Object
  44. CompanyCustomYN3: Object
  45. CompanyCustomYN4: Object
  46. CompanyCustomYN5: Object
  47. CompanyCustomYN6: Object
  48. CompanyCustomYN7: Object
  49. CompanyCustomYN8: Object
  50. CompanyCustomYN9: Object
  51. CompanyCustomYNAnswer1: Object
  52. CompanyCustomYNAnswer10: Object
  53. CompanyCustomYNAnswer2: Object
  54. CompanyCustomYNAnswer3: Object
  55. CompanyCustomYNAnswer4: Object
  56. CompanyCustomYNAnswer5: Object
  57. CompanyCustomYNAnswer6: Object
  58. CompanyCustomYNAnswer7: Object
  59. CompanyCustomYNAnswer8: Object
  60. CompanyCustomYNAnswer9: Object
  61. LocationCustomCmbo1: Object
  62. LocationCustomCmbo10: Object
  63. LocationCustomCmbo2: Object
  64. LocationCustomCmbo3: Object
  65. LocationCustomCmbo4: Object
  66. LocationCustomCmbo5: Object
  67. LocationCustomCmbo6: Object
  68. LocationCustomCmbo7: Object
  69. LocationCustomCmbo8: Object
  70. LocationCustomCmbo9: Object
  71. LocationCustomCmboAnswer1: Object
  72. LocationCustomCmboAnswer10: Object
  73. LocationCustomCmboAnswer2: Object
  74. LocationCustomCmboAnswer3: Object
  75. LocationCustomCmboAnswer4: Object
  76. LocationCustomCmboAnswer5: Object
  77. LocationCustomCmboAnswer6: Object
  78. LocationCustomCmboAnswer7: Object
  79. LocationCustomCmboAnswer8: Object
  80. LocationCustomCmboAnswer9: Object
  81. LocationCustomTxt1: Object
  82. LocationCustomTxt10: Object
  83. LocationCustomTxt2: Object
  84. LocationCustomTxt3: Object
  85. LocationCustomTxt4: Object
  86. LocationCustomTxt5: Object
  87. LocationCustomTxt6: Object
  88. LocationCustomTxt7: Object
  89. LocationCustomTxt8: Object
  90. LocationCustomTxt9: Object
  91. LocationCustomTxtAnswer1: Object
  92. LocationCustomTxtAnswer10: Object
  93. LocationCustomTxtAnswer2: Object
  94. LocationCustomTxtAnswer3: Object
  95. LocationCustomTxtAnswer4: Object
  96. LocationCustomTxtAnswer5: Object
  97. LocationCustomTxtAnswer6: Object
  98. LocationCustomTxtAnswer7: Object
  99. LocationCustomTxtAnswer8: Object
  100. LocationCustomTxtAnswer9: Object
  101. LocationCustomYN1: Object
  102. LocationCustomYN10: Object
  103. LocationCustomYN2: Object
  104. LocationCustomYN3: Object
  105. LocationCustomYN4: Object
  106. LocationCustomYN5: Object
  107. LocationCustomYN6: Object
  108. LocationCustomYN7: Object
  109. LocationCustomYN8: Object
  110. LocationCustomYN9: Object
  111. LocationCustomYNAnswer1: Object
  112. LocationCustomYNAnswer10: Object
  113. LocationCustomYNAnswer2: Object
  114. LocationCustomYNAnswer3: Object
  115. LocationCustomYNAnswer4: Object
  116. LocationCustomYNAnswer5: Object
  117. LocationCustomYNAnswer6: Object
  118. LocationCustomYNAnswer7: Object
  119. LocationCustomYNAnswer8: Object
  120. LocationCustomYNAnswer9: Object


  1. CommercialDriversLicense: Object
  2. DriverLicenseNumber: Object
  3. DriversLicenseClass: Object
  4. DriversLicenseState: Object
  5. EndorsementH: Object
  6. EndorsementN: Object
  7. EndorsementOther: Object
  8. EndorsementP: Object
  9. EndorsementS: Object
  10. EndorsementT: Object
  11. EndorsementX: Object
  12. LicenseExpirationDate: Object
  13. MVRNumber: Object
  14. MVRReportDate: Object
  15. OtherStatesLicensedIn: Object
  16. RestrictionE: Object
  17. RestrictionL: Object
  18. RestrictionM: Object
  19. RestrictionN: Object
  20. RestrictionO: Object
  21. RestrictionZ: Object
  22. Vehicles: VehicleClass[]


  1. AfricanAmerican: String
  2. AlaskanNative: String
  3. AmericanIndian: String
  4. Asian: String
  5. DeclineToDisclose: String
  6. Disabled: String
  7. EligibleToWorkInUS: String
  8. HispanicOrLatino: String
  9. NativeHawaiian: String
  10. Other: String
  11. OtherDescription: String
  12. PacificIlsander: String
  13. Veteran: String
  14. VeteranArmedServicesMedal: String
  15. VeteranDisabled: String
  16. VeteranProtected: String
  17. VeteranRecentlySeparated: String
  18. VeteranRecentlySeparated3Years: String
  19. VeteranSpecialDisabled: String
  20. VeteranVietnam: String
  21. White: String


  1. AnnualSalary: String
  2. AutoGeneratedEmployeeID: String
  3. BillingRate: String
  4. Branch: String
  5. BranchCode: String
  6. Classification: String
  7. ClientHireDate: String
  8. Commission: String
  9. CustomHRQuestions: CustomHRQuestionsClass
  10. DepartmentOne: String
  11. DepartmentOneCode: String
  12. DepartmentThree: String
  13. DepartmentThreeCode: String
  14. DepartmentTwo: String
  15. DepartmentTwoCode: String
  16. Division: String
  17. DivisionCode: String
  18. Driver: String
  19. DrivingPersonalCar: String
  20. EffectiveDate: String
  21. EmpStatus: String
  22. EmployeeNumber: String
  23. EmployeeStatus: String
  24. HireDate: String
  25. HoursPerWeek: String
  26. LastHireDate: String
  27. MonthlySalary: String
  28. PayFrequency: String
  29. PayRateOne: String
  30. PayRateOvertimeOne: String
  31. PayRateOvertimeThree: String
  32. PayRateOvertimeTwo: String
  33. PayRateThree: String
  34. PayRateTwo: String
  35. PayRateType: String
  36. PerDiem: String
  37. PositionOne: String
  38. PositionOneCode: String
  39. PositionThree: String
  40. PositionThreeCode: String
  41. PositionTwo: String
  42. PositionTwoCode: String
  43. Rehire: String
  44. StartDate: String
  45. WeeklyPerDiem: String
  46. WorkEmail: String
  47. WorkPhone: String
  48. WorkState: String


  1. AuthorizedAlienDocExpDate: String
  2. AuthorizedAlienDocNumber: String
  3. AuthorizedAlienDocType: String
  4. CitizenshipStatus: String
  5. EVerifyCaseNumber: String
  6. ExchangeVisitorType: String
  7. ForeignPassportNumber: String
  8. I94AdmissionNumber: String
  9. ListADoc: String
  10. ListADocExpirationDate1: String
  11. ListADocExpirationDate2: String
  12. ListADocExpirationDate3: String
  13. ListADocNumber1: String
  14. ListADocNumber2: String
  15. ListADocNumber3: String
  16. ListADocTitle1: String
  17. ListADocTitle2: String
  18. ListADocTitle3: String
  19. ListAIssuingAuthority1: String
  20. ListAIssuingAuthority2: String
  21. ListAIssuingAuthority3: String
  22. ListBDoc: String
  23. ListBDocExpirationDate: String
  24. ListBDocNumber: String
  25. ListBDocTitle: String
  26. ListBIssuingAuthority: String
  27. ListCDoc: String
  28. ListCDocExpirationDate: String
  29. ListCDocNumber: String
  30. ListCDocTitle: String
  31. ListCIssuingAuthority: String
  32. OtherLegalName: String
  33. PermanentResidentNumber: String
  34. USEntryWithoutForeignPassport: String


  1. Active_AI: String
  2. AddressStreet1: String
  3. AddressStreet2: String
  4. City: String
  5. ContactName: String
  6. ContactPhone: String
  7. Email: String
  8. LegalName: String
  9. LocationID: String
  10. LocationNumber: String
  11. Name: String
  12. State: String
  13. TaxID: String
  14. Zip: String


  1. AddressStreet1: String
  2. AddressStreet2: String
  3. Charge: String
  4. ChargeDate: String
  5. ChargeType: String
  6. City: String
  7. County: String
  8. Details: String
  9. State: String
  10. Zip: String


  1. AccountNumber: String
  2. AccountType: String
  3. BankBranch: String
  4. BankCity: String
  5. BankName: String
  6. BankPhone: String
  7. BankState: String
  8. BankStreet1: String
  9. BankStreet2: String
  10. BankZip: String
  11. DepositAmount: String
  12. DepositType: String
  13. RoutingNumber: String


  1. AddressStreet1: String
  2. AddressStreet2: String
  3. City: String
  4. DateEnd: String
  5. DateStart: String
  6. DegreeReceived: String
  7. DegreeType: String
  8. SchoolName: String
  9. SchoolType: String
  10. State: String
  11. Zip: String


  1. AddressStreet1: String
  2. AddressStreet2: String
  3. City: String
  4. FirstName: String
  5. LastName: String
  6. PhonePrimary: String
  7. PhoneSecondary: String
  8. Relationship: String
  9. State: String
  10. Zip: String


  1. AddressStreet1: String
  2. AddressStreet2: String
  3. City: String
  4. ContactEmployer: String
  5. DateFrom: String
  6. DateTo: String
  7. Employer: String
  8. EmployerPhone: String
  9. EmploymentType: String
  10. EmploymentTypeOther: String
  11. JobDuties: String
  12. Position: String
  13. ReasonForLeaving: String
  14. State: String
  15. SupervisorEmail: String
  16. SupervisorName: String
  17. SupervisorPhone: String
  18. SupervisorTitle: String
  19. Zip: String


  1. Name: String
  2. Phone: String
  3. Relationship: String


  1. AddressStreet1: String
  2. AddressStreet2: String
  3. City: String
  4. County: String
  5. DateFrom: String
  6. DateTo: String
  7. State: String
  8. Zip: String


  1. BodilyInjuryAmount: String
  2. CommercialDriversLicense: String
  3. DriverOnPolicy: String
  4. DriversLicenseClass: String
  5. InsuranceCompany: String
  6. InsuranceEffectiveDate: String
  7. InsuranceExpirationDate: String
  8. InsurancePolicyHolderName: String
  9. InsurancePolicyNumber: String
  10. LiabilityAmount: String
  11. LicensePlateNumber: String
  12. OtherStatesLicensedIn: String
  13. PersonalInjuryAmount: String
  14. PropertyDamageAmount: String
  15. RegistrationExpirationDate: String
  16. SafetyCheckExpirationDate: String
  17. SafetyCheckNumber: String
  18. VehicleMake: String
  19. VehicleModel: String
  20. VehicleVIN: String
  21. VehicleYear: String


  1. CompanyCustomCmbo1: String
  2. CompanyCustomCmbo10: String
  3. CompanyCustomCmbo2: String
  4. CompanyCustomCmbo3: String
  5. CompanyCustomCmbo4: String
  6. CompanyCustomCmbo5: String
  7. CompanyCustomCmbo6: String
  8. CompanyCustomCmbo7: String
  9. CompanyCustomCmbo8: String
  10. CompanyCustomCmbo9: String
  11. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer1: String
  12. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer10: String
  13. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer2: String
  14. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer3: String
  15. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer4: String
  16. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer5: String
  17. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer6: String
  18. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer7: String
  19. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer8: String
  20. CompanyCustomCmboAnswer9: String
  21. CompanyCustomTxt1: String
  22. CompanyCustomTxt10: String
  23. CompanyCustomTxt2: String
  24. CompanyCustomTxt3: String
  25. CompanyCustomTxt4: String
  26. CompanyCustomTxt5: String
  27. CompanyCustomTxt6: String
  28. CompanyCustomTxt7: String
  29. CompanyCustomTxt8: String
  30. CompanyCustomTxt9: String
  31. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer1: String
  32. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer10: String
  33. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer2: String
  34. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer3: String
  35. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer4: String
  36. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer5: String
  37. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer6: String
  38. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer7: String
  39. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer8: String
  40. CompanyCustomTxtAnswer9: String
  41. CompanyCustomYN1: String
  42. CompanyCustomYN10: String
  43. CompanyCustomYN2: String
  44. CompanyCustomYN3: String
  45. CompanyCustomYN4: String
  46. CompanyCustomYN5: String
  47. CompanyCustomYN6: String
  48. CompanyCustomYN7: String
  49. CompanyCustomYN8: String
  50. CompanyCustomYN9: String
  51. CompanyCustomYNAnswer1: String
  52. CompanyCustomYNAnswer10: String
  53. CompanyCustomYNAnswer2: String
  54. CompanyCustomYNAnswer3: String
  55. CompanyCustomYNAnswer4: String
  56. CompanyCustomYNAnswer5: String
  57. CompanyCustomYNAnswer6: String
  58. CompanyCustomYNAnswer7: String
  59. CompanyCustomYNAnswer8: String
  60. CompanyCustomYNAnswer9: String
  61. LocationCustomCmbo1: String
  62. LocationCustomCmbo10: String
  63. LocationCustomCmbo2: String
  64. LocationCustomCmbo3: String
  65. LocationCustomCmbo4: String
  66. LocationCustomCmbo5: String
  67. LocationCustomCmbo6: String
  68. LocationCustomCmbo7: String
  69. LocationCustomCmbo8: String
  70. LocationCustomCmbo9: String
  71. LocationCustomCmboAnswer1: String
  72. LocationCustomCmboAnswer10: String
  73. LocationCustomCmboAnswer2: String
  74. LocationCustomCmboAnswer3: String
  75. LocationCustomCmboAnswer4: String
  76. LocationCustomCmboAnswer5: String
  77. LocationCustomCmboAnswer6: String
  78. LocationCustomCmboAnswer7: String
  79. LocationCustomCmboAnswer8: String
  80. LocationCustomCmboAnswer9: String
  81. LocationCustomTxt1: String
  82. LocationCustomTxt10: String
  83. LocationCustomTxt2: String
  84. LocationCustomTxt3: String
  85. LocationCustomTxt4: String
  86. LocationCustomTxt5: String
  87. LocationCustomTxt6: String
  88. LocationCustomTxt7: String
  89. LocationCustomTxt8: String
  90. LocationCustomTxt9: String
  91. LocationCustomTxtAnswer1: String
  92. LocationCustomTxtAnswer10: String
  93. LocationCustomTxtAnswer2: String
  94. LocationCustomTxtAnswer3: String
  95. LocationCustomTxtAnswer4: String
  96. LocationCustomTxtAnswer5: String
  97. LocationCustomTxtAnswer6: String
  98. LocationCustomTxtAnswer7: String
  99. LocationCustomTxtAnswer8: String
  100. LocationCustomTxtAnswer9: String
  101. LocationCustomYN1: String
  102. LocationCustomYN10: String
  103. LocationCustomYN2: String
  104. LocationCustomYN3: String
  105. LocationCustomYN4: String
  106. LocationCustomYN5: String
  107. LocationCustomYN6: String
  108. LocationCustomYN7: String
  109. LocationCustomYN8: String
  110. LocationCustomYN9: String
  111. LocationCustomYNAnswer1: String
  112. LocationCustomYNAnswer10: String
  113. LocationCustomYNAnswer2: String
  114. LocationCustomYNAnswer3: String
  115. LocationCustomYNAnswer4: String
  116. LocationCustomYNAnswer5: String
  117. LocationCustomYNAnswer6: String
  118. LocationCustomYNAnswer7: String
  119. LocationCustomYNAnswer8: String
  120. LocationCustomYNAnswer9: String


  1. ArchiveStatus: String
  2. CompanyID: Int32
  3. EmployeeID: Int32
  4. FirstName: String
  5. LastName: String
  6. LocationID: Int32
  7. LocationName: Int32
  8. RegistrationRequests: EmployeeRegistrationStatusClass[]
  9. Status: String


  1. ExportedTimestamp: String
  2. HasVaultedDocuments: String
  3. RegistrationCreationDate: String
  4. RegistrationRequestID: String
  5. RegistrationStatus: String
  6. RegistrationStatusDate: String
  7. RegistrationStatusDescription: String
  8. RegistrationTypeCode: String
  9. RegistrationTypeName: String
  10. Signers: SignerClass[]


  1. Email: String
  2. SignerDate: String
  3. SignerName: String
  4. SignerRole: String
  5. Title: String


  1. CompanyID: String
  2. Sequence: Int32
  3. Status: String
  4. StatusDescription: String
  5. StatusName: String


  1. RegistrationTypeCatagory: String
  2. RegistrationTypeCode: String
  3. RegistrationTypeName: String
  4. RegistrationTypeStatus: String
  5. Status: String


  1. ArchiveStatus: String
  2. CompanyID: Int32
  3. CreatedDate: DateTime
  4. EmployeeID: Int32
  5. Exported: String
  6. LastModifiedDate: DateTime
  7. RegistrationRequestActivity: String
  8. RegistrationRequestExternalID: String
  9. RegistrationRequestID: Int32
  10. RegistrationRequestStatus: String
  11. RegistrationRequestStatusDate: DateTime
  12. RegistrationTypeCode: String
  13. Status: String